
Birmingham Misdemeanor Defense Lawyers

Preserving Your Clean Record & Good Name

Despite its name, a misdemeanor can have a long-lasting impact on your life. Immediate consequences of a conviction or guilty plea include up to a year in prison and a heavy fine under Alabama law. The resulting mark on your record can also cost you job and school opportunities, get you denied residency by landlords, and affect your social relationships.

Our team has handled thousands of cases from traffic violations to possession. We understand bad things can happen to anyone and will work diligently to protect your rights in local, state, and traffic courts.

If you have been charged with a misdemeanor, make your first call to Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. at (205) 900-7714. Our licensed Birmingham criminal defense lawyer will give your case the attention and respect it deserves. Schedule a case review today to discuss you options! 

Misdemeanor Offense in Alabama

Having a licensed Birmingham misdemeanor defense attorney on your side is especially critical if there are questions about misdemeanor vs. felony charges. Sometimes the distinction is based on the degree of the charge, while other times previous arrests can elevate a charge. Regardless of the severity, we will always work to get charges reduced or dismissed and prevent a lasting negative effect.

Individuals have turned to us for strong defense against a variety of misdemeanor charges, including:

Misdemeanor Penalties in Alabama include:

  • Up to 1-year in jail
  • Up to $6,000 in fines
  • Mandatory community service hours

Keeping Our Clients Informed

Knowledge is vital during any criminal proceeding. For example, many people are unaware that pleading guilty to a misdemeanor is sometimes enough to get their driver’s license suspended. With a team of award-winning Birmingham misdemeanor lawyers on your side, you will fully understand your options at every step so you can make the best choice about how to proceed. Each member of our team provides counsel on every case and we know how to work within the court process to get results. We were named the “2010 Lawyer of the Year” for non-white collar criminal defense in Birmingham, and we are committed to protecting your present and future.

For a free in-person consultation, contact Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. today at (205) 900-7714.

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

  • Potential Reckless Murder
  • Death Penalty

    Notice of Order- 01-CC-1983-003916.00

  • Murder

    State v. F.P.

  • White-Collar Crime & Elder Financial Abuse

    State v. L.A.

  • Distribution of a Controlled Substance

    State v. R.G.

Clients Share Their Experiences

Read How We Have Helped Others
  • “God chose this firm for me!!”

    “I can't thank Richard and Michael enough for their expertise and their knowledge of white-collar representation. Most importantly how much they really cared about my well-being mentally and physically throughout this process! This was the most difficult time in my life but Richard, Michael, and the entire firm made me and my family apart of their family. I can never repay what they have done for me and those I love!”

  • I can honestly say, things wouldn't have gone so well had we not walked into your office.

    “As the meetings went on and the court sessions came and went, with your encouragement and your knowledge and your transparency you gave us hope and gave us peace during a very stressful time.”

  • Thank you Mike, Natalie and Team!

    “I really appreciate everything you’ve done to help me with this. I am so ready for new doors to open!”