Birmingham White Collar Crimes Lawyer

If you are facing charges for a white collar crime in Birmingham, AL, it is critical to seek experienced legal representation to navigate the situation. White collar crimes can carry severe penalties, including substantial fines and lengthy prison sentences. Contact a Birmingham criminal defense lawyer at Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. at (205) 930-9800 today.

A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer at Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. can provide the strategic defense necessary to protect your rights and interests. With a deep understanding of both state and federal regulations, our attorneys are equipped to handle the intricate details of your case and work toward achieving the best possible outcome. 

For help with your case, contact our law office to schedule a free consultation with a Birmingham white collar crimes lawyer. 

How Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. Can Help If You’re Charged With a White Collar Crime in Birmingham, AL

How Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. Can Help If You’re Charged With a White Collar Crime in Birmingham, AL

If you were arrested for a white collar crime, securing the right legal counsel is essential. At Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C., our experienced lawyers offer comprehensive legal support through a variety of strategic approaches. 

Here’s how our Birmingham criminal defense attorneys can assist:

For legal advice regarding white collar crime charges in Birmingham, Alabama, contact our law firm to speak with an experienced attorney. 

Overview of White Collar Crimes in Alabama 

White collar crimes encompass a variety of non-violent offenses, typically characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust, and they often involve financial transactions. Below are some common white collar crimes:


Embezzlement involves the unlawful taking of property by someone who is in a position of trust, such as an employee or public official. It typically occurs when the individual entrusted with access to funds or assets diverts them for personal use.


Conspiracy involves an agreement between two or more individuals to commit a criminal act. Unlike other crimes, conspiracy can be charged even if the planned offense was never actually carried out. The prosecution only needs to prove that an agreement existed and that an overt act was taken to further the conspiracy. 

Money Laundering

Money laundering involves the process of making illegally obtained money appear legitimate. This is typically accomplished through a series of complex financial transactions designed to hide the money’s original, illicit source.

Insider Trading

Insider trading refers to the practice of buying or selling stocks or other securities based on non-public, material information about a company. This is unlawful because it gives an unfair advantage to those with insider knowledge.


Bribery involves giving, offering, receiving, or soliciting something of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty. This conduct can lead to significant consequences. 

Tax Evasion

Tax evasion is the illegal act of not paying taxes owed by underreporting income, inflating deductions, or hiding money and financial assets. Tax evasion can lead to serious consequences, including jail time and significant fines.

Credit Card or Identity Theft

Credit card or identity theft involves unlawfully obtaining and using someone else’s personal information, such as credit card numbers or social security details, for fraudulent purposes. This crime can result in significant financial loss and emotional distress for victims.

Defendants facing these serious allegations in Alabama should seek immediate legal help to ensure their rights are protected.

What Are the Potential Penalties For White Collar Crimes in Alabama?

White collar crimes are often prosecuted at the federal level, and receiving a conviction for this type of crime can severely limit your future opportunities or land you in jail. The penalties for these crimes in Alabama vary depending on the severity of the offense and the amount of money involved. Common penalties include:

Jail or Prison

For white collar crimes, the potential for jail or prison time is significant. Misdemeanor convictions may result in up to a year of jail time. However, felony charges, which are more common given the nature of these crimes, can carry much longer prison sentences.


In some cases, individuals convicted of white collar crimes may be sentenced to probation. This requires individuals to follow certain rules set by the court. These conditions may include regular check-ins with a probation officer and employment requirements. It could also include mandatory participation in rehabilitation programs. Violating probation terms can result in more penalties, including potential incarceration.


Fines are a common penalty for white collar crimes and can be substantial. These financial penalties are intended to punish the offender and deter future illegal activity. In some cases, fines can reach into the millions, particularly for large-scale fraud or embezzlement cases.

Community Service

Judges may also impose community service as part of the sentencing for white collar crimes. Community service requires the offender to perform a set number of hours of unpaid work for the benefit of the community. 


Restitution is another critical component of sentencing for white collar crimes. Offenders are often required to compensate victims for their financial losses. Restitution aims to make the victim whole and is calculated based on the amount stolen or lost due to the criminal activity. Failure to pay restitution can lead to additional legal consequences and may affect the terms of probation or parole.

Defendants in white collar crime cases must be prepared to face a range of penalties. This makes it essential to work with a criminal defense attorney in Birmingham as soon as possible.

What Defenses Can Be Raised If I’m Arrested for a White Collar Crime in Birmingham, Alabama? 

Several strategies can be used to challenge the prosecution’s case. The most common include the following:

No Intent

A common defense is to argue a lack of intent. Prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant intentionally committed the crime. Demonstrating that the accused lacked the intent to deceive, defraud, or harm can be a powerful argument. This can lead to an acquittal or reduced charges.


Entrapment means showing that the police essentially tricked someone into doing something illegal they wouldn’t have done on their own. To use this in court, it must be shown that the idea to commit the crime came from officials and not from the accused and that the defendant had no intention to break the law before law enforcement got involved.

Illegally Obtained Evidence

A critical defense strategy is to argue that evidence was obtained illegally. Under the Fourth Amendment, any evidence gathered through unlawful searches and seizures may be inadmissible in court. A successful motion to suppress this evidence can significantly weaken the prosecution’s case. This can result in dismissed charges.

Working closely with a criminal defense attorney is essential when dealing with criminal matters.

​Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Our Birmingham White Collar Crimes Lawyers

If you are facing charges related to white collar crimes in Birmingham, AL, it is imperative to seek legal guidance as soon as possible. Our experienced criminal defense lawyers are prepared to provide a thorough evaluation of your case at no cost to you. 

During this free consultation, we will review the specifics of your situation, discuss potential defense strategies, and outline the best steps forward. Contact Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. to speak with a Birmingham white collar crimes attorney.