Experienced Underage DUI Attorney Serving Jefferson County, AL

If you are under the legal drinking age and you were pulled over for drunk driving, you will face a DUI charge. In Alabama, the legal drinking age is 21, and if you are arrested for DUI and found to have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.02% or higher, you will be charged with a DUI offense.
Although an underage DUI conviction can be a serious matter, it does not mean that you are automatically guilty. An experienced DUI defense attorney will know how to protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome.
At Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C., we have been representing clients in DUI cases. Call us at 205-930–9800 or contact us online to discuss your case with a knowledgeable Birmingham underage DUI lawyer.
What Are the Penalties for Underage DUI in Alabama?
Like other DUI charges, underage drinking and driving can lead to severe consequences. If you are convicted of an underage DUI, you will face the following penalties:
- First Conviction: 30-day driver’s license suspension, $500 fine, and mandatory attendance of a substance abuse course
- Subsequent Convictions: 1-year driver’s license suspension, $2,000 fine, and mandatory attendance of a substance abuse course
In addition, you may also be required to complete community service.
These penalties can have a significant impact on your life. If you are a student, you may have difficulty getting to and from class, which can affect your academic performance. You may also have difficulty finding a job, as many employers are hesitant to hire individuals who have a criminal record. For these reasons, it is crucial that you take your underage DUI charge seriously and consult with an attorney as soon as possible.
Can You Go to Jail for an Underage DUI?
In Alabama, a first-time underage DUI is a misdemeanor. Although you will not face jail time if you are convicted of a first offense, a conviction will result in a 30-day driver’s license suspension. If you are convicted of a second or subsequent underage DUI, you will face a 1-year driver’s license suspension. In addition, a second or subsequent conviction is punishable by up to 1 year in jail.
Can a Minor Get a DUI?
Yes, a minor can get a DUI. In Alabama, the legal drinking age is 21, and if you are under the legal drinking age and found to be driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.02% or higher, you will be charged with a DUI offense.
Can You Join the Military with a DUI?
Having a DUI conviction on your record can affect your ability to join the military. A DUI conviction is considered a criminal offense, and the military typically does not accept individuals with criminal records. However, the military may grant a waiver for a DUI conviction on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in joining the military and you have a DUI conviction on your record, contact a military recruiter to discuss your options.
Can You Get a DUI If You Are Not Drinking?
Yes, you can get a DUI if you are not drinking. In Alabama, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. However, if you are under the legal drinking age and found to be driving with a BAC of 0.02% or higher, you will be charged with a DUI offense. Even if you are not drinking, you may have a BAC level of 0.02% or higher from consuming alcohol in other forms, such as mouthwash, cough syrup, or certain medications. If you have been charged with an underage DUI, a Birmingham DUI attorney can help you understand your legal options.
What Are the Legal Rights for Minors DUI?
As a minor facing DUI charges, you have the same legal rights as an adult. These rights include the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, and the right to a fair trial. If you are arrested for an underage DUI, you should remain calm and exercise your rights. Do not answer any questions until you have an attorney present.
How to Fight Underage DUI Charges
If you are facing an underage DUI charge, it is crucial that you consult with an attorney as soon as possible. An experienced DUI lawyer will know how to effectively fight the charges against you and protect your rights. There are several defenses that may be available in an underage DUI case, including:
- Improper traffic stop
- Unreliable breathalyzer results
- Failure to administer a breathalyzer test properly
- Violation of your legal rights
Can You Get an Underage DUI Expunged?
In Alabama, a DUI conviction cannot be expunged from your criminal record. If you are convicted of an underage DUI, it will remain on your record permanently. The only way to keep a DUI conviction off your record is to avoid a conviction altogether. An experienced DUI defense lawyer can help you fight the charges against you and work to get the charges dismissed or reduced.
Will a DUI Affect My College Applications?
A DUI conviction can affect your ability to get into college. Many colleges and universities ask if you have a criminal record on their applications. If you have a DUI conviction on your record, it may affect your chances of being accepted into the college or university of your choice. However, every college has different policies, and a DUI conviction does not automatically disqualify you from being accepted into college. If you are facing DUI charges and you are concerned about how it may affect your college applications, consult with an experienced DUI defense lawyer.
To schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer at our firm, call us at 205-930–9800 or online.